Turkish Proficiency Exam

Turkish Proficiency Exam is an exam that measures candidates’ Turkish proficiency. The exam is based on proficiency in four basic skills. The exam consists of four sections: reading, writing, listening and speaking. It consists of multiple choice and written question types, as well as an interview with the lecturer.

Regarding the Turkish Proficiency Exam conducted by İDÜ-DİLMER, the European Language Portfolio (ELP) Turkish Language Proficiency Level equivalents are stated below.

İDÜ-DİLMER Turkish Proficiency Language Exam Score Ranges ELP Turkish Language Proficiency Level EXPLANATIONS
95-100 C2 Sufficient Turkish
85-94 C1 Sufficient Turkish
75-84 B2 Turkish can be sufficient in a short time
60-74 B1 Turkish can be sufficient in a short time
30-59 A2 Insufficient Turkish
0-29 A1 No knowledge of Turkish


Based on this scoring, candidates who have scored at least 85 or more out of 100 points in the Turkish Proficiency Exam are entitled to receive “Turkish Proficiency Certificate”. This certificate is a document proving Turkish language proficiency approved by the Rectorate of Izmir Democracy University.

The Turkish Proficiency Exam is subject to a fee. The fee for the Turkish Proficiency Exam is determined by the Central Executive Board every year. Anyone can take this exam at our center.

The Turkish Proficiency Exam is held depending on requests.